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nShift DeliveryCheckout

Our partner nShift is the market leader in delivery management solutions for ecommerce. nShift DeliveryCheckout, which is what powers Walley Checkout with delivery options, is a solution that enables the merchant to easily add new delivery options from nShift's extensive carrier library. The merchant can also easily configure business rules to handle for instance price levels for free delivery and ranking of delivery options.

nShift features​

The nShift Delivery Adapter is built and hosted by Walley. The adapter communicates with nShift and fetches the list of available delivery methods based on the configuration that the merchant has created. The response from nShift is mapped to suit the adapter interface and empowers the DeliveryCheckout with options. Since new services and features are added in nShift, we might not support all the features that are available in nShift. If you are interested in a feature that is not listed below, please contact Walley.

Default Request Query Parameters​

Below are the default query parameters that are always included when fetching delivery methods.

currencyCurrency used for the checkout session
languageThe display language used for the checkout session. Supported language are: sv, no, fi, da, en
tocountryThe country code for the customer's current delivery address
tozipcodeThe postal code for the customer's current delivery address
cartpriceThe total price for cart
weightThe total weight for the cart, sum of all the article's weights sent in set cart request
toemailThe customer's email address
tostreetThe address for the customer's current delivery address
storetypeCustomerType for the checkout session, b2b or b2c

Delivery options and service points​

Delivery options with or without service points are the most basic setup that we support fully. Selections will be included we we attempt to create the prepared shipment.

Individual delivery option addons​

Some delivery options have addons that can be configured in nShift Online. For now, we do not show any of those addons in the Delivery Module although they are not shown in the UI:

  • Notification by e-mail (addon id "FCNOTIFYEMAIL")
  • Notification by sms (addon id "FCNOTIFYSMS")

If they are enabled in your configuration, they will automatically be added from the customer's profile when we create the prepared shipment. The fee for such addon should always be free since there is no chance for the customer to change it.

Delivery option icon​

The icon for a delivery option can be overridden by adding a General (Key / Value) values included in the result of the GET call. Add an item with Key: logoId. The available values are described under Delivery Icons.

Individual delivery option delivery dates​

Some carriers have an option to enable delivery times. For now, we have support for this setting for Airmee. Others might work but we do not guarantee it. If this settings is enabled, the selection will be included when we create the prepared shipment.

Global extra data fields​

Extra data fields can be added globally to your configuration. For now, we only support "Door code", which will appear on all your delivery options in the Delivery Module that does not have any service points. If this extra field is enabled, the door code will be included when we create the prepared shipment.

Global custom addons​

If custom addons are added to your configuration we will show them as toggle selections with the description and price that are configured. Note that they must be added globally~~~~. An example could be to toggle express delivery for an extra fee.

Please note

Custom addons are not included in the prepared shipment. That information is only available in the get checkout response

How to get started πŸš€β€‹

  1. Contact Walley Merchant Services for help with setup in our test environment and for questions regarding integration with Walley Checkout.
  2. Create a nShift DeliveryCheckout configuration. Visit nShift to read more and contact nShift for questions regaring prices, configuration etc.
  3. Provide Walley Merchant Services with the nShift api-credentials (Id and Secret Id) as well as the Delivery Checkout Id and Quick Id of the sender to use. Once a DeliveryCheckout configuration is in place and properly tested in the test environment, then you are good to go. Note: Once the Quick Id has been set it must not change.
Please note

During test and development, it is possible to use the nShift DeliveryCheckout production configuration, but it is important to note, that such setup means that purchases made in the Walley test environment will create prepared shipmentagainst your nShift production account. Ensure such prepared shipments are treated as test.

Please note

If updating the delivery configuration while running in production, read the section how to work with versions. The versions makes it possible to create a prepared shipment for customers that fetched delivery method with the older configurations.