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Get Address

The GetAddress requests returns address information of a private customer based on the their national registration number. To use this functionality, an agreement with Walley must be made.

When this service is used the following needs to be applied:

  • The service can only be used in the checkout and Walley needs to be the pre-chosen payment option.
  • If the payment type is changed from Walley this service should be hidden/disabled.
  • The button that submits the request cannot be named “Hämta adress” (“Get Address”) instead “Fortsätt” (“Proceed”) or equal should be used.

This method is available in the following countries:


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
Username1false50stringThe username used to authorize the request.
Password1false50stringThe password used to authorize the request.
ClientIpAddress1false50stringThe IP address of the customer performing the purchase at the partner's web shop.
CorrelationId1false50stringCorrelationID is sent back in the response.
CountryCode1false2stringThe country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the country. Only “SE” allowed.
RegNo1false12stringThe customer civic registration number.
StoreId1false-intThe StoreId used for identification of store.


Fieldmin OccursnillableMaxTypeDescription
BaseAddress1false50stringA list of addresses where the person is registered.
CorrelationId1false50stringCorrelationID from the request if any.
Firstname1false50stringFirst name of the customer.
Lastname1false50stringLast name of the customer.
RegNo1false12stringThe customer civic registration number.

Example Requests​

Description:The operation returns address information of a customer based on a civic registration number.
Notes:Only available in Sweden for consumers. The service can only be used in the checkout and Walley needs to be the pre chosen payment option. If the payment type is changed this service should be hidden/disabled. The button that submits the request cannot be named “Hämta adress” / "Get address", instead “Fortsätt” / "Continue" or equal should be used.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pay="">

Error Codes​

Please see separate page Error Codes

Fault CodeDescription