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Payment types

The Checkout can be configured to offer multiple different payment types for the end customer. Below follows a brief explanation of the different possible payment types available.

Payment TypeDescription
Direct InvoiceThis payment type will send an invoice by email to the end customer.
AccountThe end customer's aggregated purchases during a month period will be invoiced in the end of the month. Notification fees from Walley can apply to this payment option.
InvoiceB2B only. A pre-evaluated credit reservation has been setup in advance, like a virtual credit card. The credit can be used by pre-authorized persons either by SSN or Pin code.
Part PaymentSplits the payment over several months. Either interest free or annuity payments. Disabled for amounts lower than 1000 SEK for B2C customers.
CampaignA Buy-Now-Pay-Later payment option.
CardThe end customer pays directly with VISA or MasterCard.
TrustlyThe end customer signs into the bank to do a transfer using the Trustly user interface
SwishB2C, SE only. The end customer pays directly using the Swish app.
MobilePayB2C, DK/FI only. The end customer pays directly using the MobilePay app.
VippsB2C, NO only. The end customer pays directly using the Vipps app.