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Initialize a Checkout Session

To initialize a Checkout session, a POST request to the checkout backend API endpoint is performed. This will return a public token that is used to render the Checkout iframe and a private id that is used to retrieve information about the Checkout session at a later step.

POST /checkouts HTTP/1.1
Host: // (Please note! Different hostname in production)
Authorization: Bearer bXlVc2VybmFtZTpmN2E1ODA4MGQzZTk0M2VmNWYyMTZlMDE...
Content-Type: application/json

"storeId": 123,
"countryCode": "SE",
"reference": "123456789",
"redirectPageUri": "",
"checkoutAbortedRedirectPageUri": "",
"merchantTermsUri": "",
"notificationUri": "",
"validationUri": "",
"callback": {
"callbackUri": "",
"callbackTypes": ["ValidateOrder", "PaymentFailed"]
"profileName": "MyExampleProfile",
"settlementReference": "shop1",
"externalStoreId": "shop1",
"actionReference": "MyActionReference",
"cart": {
"items": [
"id": "10001",
"description": "A product description",
"unitPrice": 95.0,
"unitWeight": 0.3,
"quantity": 1,
"vat": 25.0,
"requiresElectronicId": true,
"sku": "a unique alphanumeric code for article identification"
"id": "10002",
"description": "Gift Card",
"type": "GiftCard",
"unitPrice": -100.0,
"quantity": 1,
"vat": 0.0
"shippingProperties": {
"height": 10,
"width": 20,
"isBulky": true
"fees": {
"shipping": {
"id": "shipping001",
"description": "Shipping cost (incl. VAT)",
"unitPrice": 59.0,
"vat": 25.0
"privateCustomerPrefill": {
"email": "",
"mobilePhoneNumber": "+46701234567",
"nationalIdentificationNumber": "19520101-1234",
"deliveryAddress": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"coAddress": "c/o Jane Doe",
"address": "Sunny road 2",
"address2": "Another address line if needed",
"postalCode": "12345",
"city": "Big Town"
"businessCustomerPrefill": {
"organizationNumber": "5562000116",
"buyer": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"mobilePhoneNumber": "+46701234567"
"invoiceReference": "ref",
"invoiceTag": "tag",
"deliveryAddress": {
"companyName": "No 3 mining enterprise",
"coAddress": "c/o Jane Doe",
"address": "Rosenborgsgatan 4",
"address2": "Another address line if needed",
"postalCode": "16974",
"city": "Solna"
"businessCustomerPreset": {
"organizationNumber": "5562000116",
"buyer": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"mobilePhoneNumber": "+46701234567"
"invoiceReference": "ref",
"invoiceTag": "tag",
"deliveryAddress": {
"companyName": "No 3 mining enterprise",
"coAddress": "c/o Jane Doe",
"address": "Rosenborgsgatan 4",
"address2": "Another address line if needed",
"postalCode": "16974",
"city": "Solna"
"customFields": [
"id": "group1",
"metadata": {
"groupMeta": "content"
"fields": [
"id": "newsConsent",
"name": "I agree to receive marketing communications",
"type": "Checkbox",
"value": true,
"metadata": {
"field1Meta": "field-newsletter-consent"
"localizations": {
"fi-FI": {
"name": "Hyväksyn markkinointiviestinnän vastaanottamisen",
"value": false,
"metadata": {
"field1Meta": "fi-field-newsletter-consent"
"id": "comments",
"name": "Any additional comments?",
"type": "Text"
"metadata": {
"administrator": "John Doe",
"someOtherData": [1, { "myObj": { "key": 1 } }]


Request headers

AuthorizationYesInstructions on how to generate the authorization header value can be found here.

Request Body Properties

countryCodeYesThe country code to use. SE, NO, FI, DK and DE is supported.
storeIdNoReceived from Walley Merchant Services. The store ID is only required in the request when integrating multiple stores with Walley Checkout.
externalStoreIdNoYour own id of the store. This is sent to Voyado if you use them as a CRM system. It has a 50-character limit.
referenceNoThis is a reference to the order, like an order ID. The reference provided here will be shown to the customer on the invoice or receipt for the purchase. It has a 50-character limit. ** See special note below regarding Vipps
salesSegmentNoIf you have at most one B2C and/or B2B store in the selected country, then you can use this property to select the store instead of providing a store ID. The valid values are B2C and B2B.
settlementReferenceNo *Set this if you would like to group your settlement reports based on this value. Can for example be used when you have several shops connected to one storeId and want purchases to be grouped by individual shops. It has a 50-character limit. * To use this feature you must contact Merchant Services to setup Settlement Settings on this specific Store ID
actionReferenceNoA reference to this specific checkout session. This will appear as a data property on the settlement report if the order is auto captured. If you manually capture the order you should set the actionReference on the capture call.
redirectPageUriNo *If set, the browser will redirect to this page once the purchase has been completed. Used to display a thank-you-page for the end user. Hereafter referred to as the purchase confirmation page. * Required if the Store is an InStore type.
checkoutAbortedRedirectPageUriNoIf set and rendering a Pay Link, a go back button will appear for the customer and if clicked, the checkout session will be deleted and the browser will redirect to this page.
merchantTermsUriYesThe page to which the Checkout will include a link for customers that wish to view the merchant terms for purchase.
notificationUriYesThe endpoint to be called whenever an event has occurred in the Walley Checkout that might be of interest. For example, this callback is typically used to create an order in the merchant's system once a purchase has been completed. Use HTTPS here for security reasons.
validationUriNoSpecify this uri when you want us to make a GET backend call to validate the articles during purchase. Use HTTPS for security reasons. This method is replaced with the more generic callback functionality described below, but may still be used. Please use only one of the validation methods
callbackNoSpecify this object when you want us to make a POST backend call for any of the specified callback types. See description below for more information.
profileNameNoA name that referes to a specific settings profile. The profiles are setup by Merchant Services, please contact them for more information
cartYesThe initial Cart object with items to purchase. Details below
feesNoShipping fee. Details below
privateCustomerPrefillNoPrefilled private customer information. Details below
businessCustomerPrefillNoPrefilled business customer information. Details below
businessCustomerPresetNoPreset business customer information. Details below
customFieldsNoCustom inputs to be rendered inside the checkout. Details below
appRedirectPageUriNoWhen checkout redirects to a partner app, the appRedirectPageUri is passed along (if supported) to ensure that the user is correctly returned to your app upon completion. It is specifically intended for use when the checkout is being rendered within an app and not on a website. This field should contain the URI of your app, which typically follows the format yourapp://.
** Special note regarding Vipps

For Vipps purchases with settlements directly from Vipps using your own agreement, the reference field can be used to match the purchase with the settlement, if a reference is not provided the orderId will be used instead. The reference or orderId field is concatenated with a postfix of a dash - and 9 characters. For example a reference of 12345 might result in a settlement reference of 12345-An1c8BAlI. This is also returned in the externalPaymentReference field in the response when retrieving information about the checkout.

Callback object

The callback object allows you to handle certain events within the Checkout flow, for example validating the items are in stock or that the customer is allowed to purchase the items. This callback is synchronous and has a timeout of 10 seconds. It differs from the notificationUri callback that is asynchronous and mainly used to notify you about completed purchases.

callbackUriYesThe endpoint to be called whenever any of the callback types occurs. Must accept POST requests. Use HTTPS for security reasons.
callbackTypesYesCurrently ValidateOrder and PaymentFailed are supported.

The request body of the callback contains the callback type, along with the private id and public token. Use the private id to validate that the callback originates from Walley

// Example of request body for a callback
"type": "ValidateOrder",
"body": {
"checkoutId": "3350f4f2-809e-4103-a566-85e20280b76a",
"publicToken": "public-SE-0a94436dba53edc468584935e7da524eb8d5d8feab85ed03"

This callback will be called just before payment, in order to validate the purchase. Read more


This callback will be called if a payment was unsuccessful, for instance if there was no money on the card or the user cancelled electronic verification. You can use this callback to undo any logic on your side that you made in the ValidateOrder callback. Exceptions for when we will not be sending this callback are:

  • If payment fails before the ValidateOrder callback.
  • If you respond with anything other than 2XX during the ValidateOrder callback.

These callbacks have a timeout of 10 seconds. Right now, the Checkout doesn't use the callback's response for anything.

Cart object

The cart object contains an array of items with the following properties. Please note that at least one article has to be included in order to initialize a checkout session.

idYesThe article id or equivalent. Max 50 characters. Values are trimmed from leading and trailing white-spaces. Shown on the invoice or receipt.
descriptionYesDescriptions longer than 50 characters will be truncated. Values are trimmed from leading and trailing white-spaces. Shown on the invoice or receipt.
typeNoAn optional type of the article. Currently the only valid value is GiftCard. If specified, unitPrice must be negative, quantity must be 1, vat must be 0.0. Furthermore unitWeight, requiresElectronicId and minimumAge cannot be specified. Read more about Gift Cards
unitPriceYesThe unit price of the article including VAT. Both positive and negative values allowed. Max 2 decimals, i.e. 100.00
unitWeightNoThe weight of the article. Only positive values are allowed (including zero)
quantityYesThe quantity of the article. Allowed values are 1 to 99999999.
vatYesThe VAT of the article in percent. Allowed values are 0 to 100. Max 2 decimals, i.e. 25.00
requiresElectronicIdNoTo minimize the risk of a fraudulent purchase on credit products, it is possible to force the customer to strongly identify themselves at the point of purchase using electronic id such as Mobilt BankID. An example would be selling tickets that are delivered electronically. This feature does not validate the age of the customer and is supported for credit payments for B2C and B2B on the Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish markets.
minimumAgeNoThe minimum age required to purchase this product. Allowed values are 1 to 120. When this property is set, we require the user to enter a civic number and verify it with electronic id before making the payment. If multiple items has different minimumAge, we use the highest age. This feature is supported for B2C.
skuNoA stock Keeping Unit is a unique alphanumeric code that is used to identify product types and variations. Maximum allowed characters are 1024.

The shippingProperties are optional and only relevant if a Delivery Module is used. It gives flexibility to customize what delivery methods should be available based on the items in the cart. Read more about how these properties are included when Fetching Delivery Methods with nShift, or Fetching Delivery Methods with Custom Delivery Adapter.

Fees object (optional)

The Fees object allows you to set a shipping fee. The fee will be shown last on the receipt after all the cart items and also on the purchase confirmation page for a completed purchase. This object is optional and can be set after initialization of the checkout through the Update fees endpoint. Note that if you are using Custom Delivery Adapter that the shipping fee is taken care of there instead.

idYesAn id of the fee item. Max 50 characters. Values are trimmed from leading and trailing white-spaces. Shown on the invoice or receipt.
descriptionYesDescriptions longer than 50 characters will be truncated. Values are trimmed from leading and trailing white-spaces. Shown on the invoice or receipt.
unitPriceYesThe unit price of the fee including VAT. Allowed values are 0 to 999999.99. Max 2 decimals, i.e. 25.00
vatYesThe VAT of the fee in percent. Allowed values are 0 to 100. Max 2 decimals, i.e. 25.00

PrivateCustomerPrefill object (optional)

You can use the privateCustomerPrefill object to share any information you have on the customer. We use this data to try and identify the customer, making their checkout faster. If we can't identify them, we'll ask the customer for more details. However, whether we identify the customer or not doesn't change the response or status code of the Initialize Checkout Session call.

We recommend providing complete data when using prefill.


  • If email and mobilePhoneNumber are provided and the combination is matched for a previously known customer, the user will be logged in and ready for purchase.
  • If email and mobilePhoneNumber are provided but the combination does not match a previously known customer, we will prompt the user for further identification details.
  • If email and mobilePhoneNumber are provided together with nationalIdentificationNumber we will try to identify the customer using these values by doing a lookup in an address registry.
  • If a complete deliveryAddress is provided the address will be set as the customer's delivery address.
  • If a non-complete deliveryAddress is provided the address will be shown upon initial identification for the customer if the customer choses to not enter their national registration number.
emailNo *The customer's email address.
mobilePhoneNumberNo *The customer's mobile phone. When providing a number from a foreign country, it must have a valid prefix such as +46 or 0046.
nationalIdentificationNumberNoThe customer's national identification number.
deliveryAddressNoThe customer's delivery address containing firstName, lastName, coAddress, address, address2, postalCode and city.

* email and mobilePhoneNumber are required when identifying a user using a profile with DeliveryMode: Digital

Prefill or Preset of a business customer

You can use prefill and/or preset data to set up a business customer's details before showing the checkout page. Prefill information is like a suggestion; customers can change it. However, preset information can't be changed by the customer, so you must ensure it's correct. The prefill and preset objects are equal in structure and when the checkout combines the information from the two objects, the preset values are prioritized over the prefilled values.

Though all object values are optional, there are validation rules enforced at initalization.

If the combined object includes an organization number, you must also provide a full buyer's object to identify the customer. If the organization number is preset and we can't identify the business (or the buyer's object is missing), we'll give an error. However, if the organization number is prefilled and we can't identify, the customer will have to do the identification themselves.

If the values marked with a * in the DeliveryAddress object are provided, we'll set the customer's delivery address after identifying them. If any of these values are preset, the customer won't be able to change the delivery address later.

organizationNumberNoThe organization number of the company
buyerNoBuyer information (see below)
invoiceReferenceNoShown on the invoice
invoiceTagNoShown on the invoice
deliveryAddressNoDelivery Address (see below)

Buyer object

A buyer is the person performing a purchase on the behalf of the company

firstNameNoThe first name of the buyer
lastNameNoThe last name of the buyer
emailNoThe buyer's email address.
mobilePhoneNumberNoThe buyer's mobile phone. When providing a number from a foreign country, it must have a valid prefix such as +46 or 0046.

DeliveryAddress object

companyNameNo *Name of the company
coAddressNoCare of address
addressNo *Primary address row
address2NoAdditional address row
postalCodeNo *Postal code
cityNo *City

If you provide any of the values marked with *, you must provide all of them in order to have a valid address. The exception is for Norway where address is optional.

CustomFields (optional)

The customFields array allows you to optionally provide a blueprint for fields of your choosing to be rendered inside the checkout. These can be things like consent for newsletter or comments. It will be rendered in it's own section after the payment methods. You can specify multiple groups that will be rendered as their own separate sections, and the name field will set the header. We recommend not to have a name present if you only have one group. Each group can contain fields. We currently support checkboxes (shown as animated switches) and text fields. They may have a default value. Every group and field can also contain overriding localization information for markets with multiple languages, or to simplify with one configuration regardless of the current session language. Every level also supports a metadata object (see below for more information).

Group object

idYesAn id for the group. Max 50 characters. Values are trimmed from leading and trailing white-spaces.
nameNoThe header rendered above the group section
metadataNoA metadata object for the group (see below for more info)
localizationsNoSpecify a different name and metadata for other languages (specified with ISO language codes)
fieldsYesAn array of fields to render (see below)

Fields object

idYesAn id for the field. Max 50 characters. Values are trimmed from leading and trailing white-spaces.
nameYesThe label for the field
typeYesThe type of field to be rendered. "Checkbox" or "Text"
valueNoThe default value for the field. A string for text fields and true/false for checkboxes
metadataNoA metadata object for the group (see below for more info)
localizationsNoSpecify a different name/value/metadata for other languages (specified with ISO language codes)

Metadata object

The metadata object allows you to optionally provide custom metadata information in a key/value format. Metadata is not processed by Walley but will be returned when retrieving information about the checkout. This means that the metadata object can be used as an opaque reference for things that needs to be remembered without saving state locally.

Each metadata key must be a string but the value can be any valid JSON type.


publicTokenThe publicToken is used to render the Checkout iframe. The public token has a limited lifetime of 168 hours (7 days).
privateIdThe privateId is used to perform backend communication with the Checkout API for the given session. The privateId is used to acquire information for an ongoing or completed session for up to 180 days after it was created. The privateId is also used when modifying a session (e.g. cart update). Updates can be made for a session until it is completed or expiresAt has passed.
expiresAtThe timestamp when this Checkout session will expire. After this timestamp the purchase cannot be completed, no updates to the cart can be performed and a new Checkout session must be initialized.
paymentUriA shortcut link to this Checkout session. Used when distributing a Pay Link to a customer.
paymentQrCodeUriA QR code representation of paymentUri. The URL returns an image that can be embedded in the merchant's system. Note that this URL is publicly available so no auth is required. The URL supports the same URL parameters as paymentUri.

Templating the uri values

The notificationUri, validationUri, redirectPageUri and the hostedPaymentPageAbortedRedirectUriUri properties can optionally be templated. A correctly templated specified uri will replace the varibles with the real values for the given Checkout session when called.

Allowed template values:


The variable names {} will be replaced by the privateId and {checkout.publictoken} will be replaced by publicToken. Note that the variables are case-sensitive.


notificationUriWill be transformed into{}/something{}{checkout.publictoken}{}&token={checkout.publictoken}
redirectPageUriWill be transformed into{checkout.publictoken}